Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Alright so i've decided to a segment on lurking. Why you ask? because I want to thats why. So whats your definition of facebook lurking? I took my time out to conveniently post in my facebook status what people thought facebook lurking was and i got these types of replies.

Cassandra Hamilton Said : "Creeping around someones facebook or all over facebook"

Juice Smith Said: "A creeper that eyes down ,grills your pics. And touches their junk lol?" (Well said LOL)

Marcus Wright: "Creeping is like going on ppls pages to look at pics and read the wall, without commenting."

Jamal Ward "
anyone that visits ur page daily and comments on EVERY SINGLE picture, comment, status you have. (y) "

Alright so with that being said "Why do we have facebook?" ... It's clearly for us to connect with one another , so why do people complain about people lurking? Well lets see in my personal opinion we all put our selves out there to be seen. lurking on the other had is completely insane! Like how can one person have so much time to waste of finding out what you are doing with your life. i admit facebook is a place to share your life with the hole wide world web , but who said you have to pay attention ? like is it really necessary to know what someone was doing or what they wore to an event and not even comment about it until it comes up in a convo . for example the other day i was speaking to a lurker , and well it freaked the shit out of me when i said "Yeah and like i had on this cute purple dress.. " and the person was quick to reply with " yeah i know." . HOLD ON ! what do you mean you know , first off you where not at the event , and second of all i was only tagged in the photo like 10 minutes ago , are you kidding me? What i'm trying to get at is people need to learn to be a little more careful with their facebook accounts. Like not only are non threating people lurking you , but god some scary people out there just might know everything about you and you dont even know them , weird huh ? It's also funny how girls sit there saying 'Oh my god this chicks on my shit she knows everything about me." blah blah blah , Well what the hell do you expect , your on facebook you added your enemy as a friend what you think shes going to gett a pretty picture of you and comment "oh nice hun." no your dumb ass shes going to talk to everyone she can about how friggin ridiculous you look even if she knows you look amazing , its human nature . Well thats all i have to say really , i know i update my facebook like mad and frig i dont give a FIDUCK! i do it for my own enjoyment if people wnana read my updates or comment my pictures well then fine , if you wanna lurk me ? SURE why not ! i put myself out there . so next time i hear someone complain about being lurked on facebook im going to simply say " delete your account then.." . With that being said at 12am tonight i will be removing my account on facebook not because of lurking or anything but because i'm really moving on from this site ! ive had it since like 2006 , its getting old to me and its not working properly. i may be back i may not , till then toodlez noodles !

the music junkie is OUT!
dont forget to follow me on a twitter @ iLOVEalana ;)

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